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Sadanyah Flowing Water

Writer, Speaker, Teacher, Coach & Advocate

Jembe Percussion Instrument
Musical Duo
Detail of Sheet Music

The World Alliance of Indigenous Peoples is an organization whose founding directors and executive administrators have extensive backgrounds in the Creative and Performing Arts, and Sadanyah Flowing Water is no exception to this standard. A proud member of the Montauk Tribe of Indians under the leadership of SunksqáMembers of various indigenous backgrounds, we utilize cultural and fine arts to give a more accurate depiction of our people and our narratives. In doing so, we hope that we will continue to foster community, tolerence and world peace. 


Thank you sincerely for your interest in our workshops! Though we may speak different languages and have different backgrounds and traditions, Cultural and Fine Arts are universal languages that we all can understand. 


Registration is now open for our Artist Development Workshops 1 & 2!

Artist Development Workshop Includes



Breath Control

Vocal Scales

Lead Vocal Stylization  & Delivery

Music Theory 1 

Sight Singing

Virtual Performance

We Need Your Support Today!

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